Latest mobility insurance news

Where To Start When Choosing a Mobility Scooter

10 Mar 2022

Choosing a scooter can be a daunting and stressful process, with a number of different classes of mobility scooters existing such as large road legal scooters, smaller scooters, and many more. The mob...

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Electric Wheelchair Vs Mobility Scooter

25 Nov 2021

Mobility tools have a huge scope and are all designed to support individuals and allow them to move freely and easily. Ranging from a simple cane to an electric wheelchair, there is a variety of wheel...

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Supporting A Child In A Wheelchair

04 Nov 2021

Wheelchairs are incredibly powerful tools that are used by individuals across the country. They are so empowering, allowing the user to move independently and live their life at their own pace. Unfort...

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10 Things to Look For When Buying a Mobility Scooter

10 Aug 2021

If you're about to embark on purchasing a Mobility Scooter for the first time you might be wondering how the process works and how to choose the right mobility scooter. We have a range of articles ava...

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What is public liability insurance for self-employed carers?

16 Jun 2021

If you are looking to make a difference in the world, the role of a carer is one of the most rewarding and significant jobs you can do. Carers work with those of all ages and backgrounds. They support...

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Using your Powered Wheelchair After Lockdown

10 May 2021

The end of lockdown is in sight, and as we all breathe a collective sigh of relief, many of us look forward to getting back to some form of normality. For those of us who use a Powered Wheelchair, the...

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