Carers Insurance Comparison

When you’re buying insurance, you want to make sure you’re getting the right cover for you at the right price. We’ve done some shopping around for you and compared our product with other Self-employed carer insurance providers. See the table below

Blue Badge - £84Fish - £89Mark Bates Ltd - £85Surewise - £115Marsh Commercial - £84.40
Public Liability £5MPublic Liability £5MPublic Liability £5MPublic Liability £5MPublic Liability £5M
Errors or OmissionsErrors or OmissionsErrors or OmissionsErrors or OmissionsErrors or Omissions
Accidental InjuryAccidental InjuryAccidental InjuryAccidental InjuryAccidental Injury
Holiday cover 90 daysHoliday coverHoliday coverHoliday coverHoliday cover
Legal ExpensesLegal ExpensesLegal ExpensesLegal ExpensesLegal Expenses
Loss or Damage of PropertyLoss or Damage of PropertyLoss or Damage of PropertyLoss or Damage of PropertyLoss or Damage of Property

Prices/cover subject to change, last verified July 2023, does not include special offers

We also offer a policy which covers Public Liability up to £1 million, for just £75 for the year